Ending your tenancy
You must end your tenancy as described in your tenancy agreement.
If you need to end your tenancy please contact us on 0115 746 9555.
If you need to end a tenancy due to the death of a family member, please be advised that only a Personal Representative (PR) or Executor can legally end a tenancy agreement on behalf of someone else. A Next of Kin (NOK) does not have this authority. However, at this difficult time we can assist you whatever your legal status. We'll need you to complete a 'tell us once form', and we will need a copy of the death certificate as soon as possible. Please contact us on 0115 746 9555 if you are the NOK/PR/Executor to discuss how we can help.
If you’re representing someone going into long-term care, and / or someone lacking mental capacity going into care, please contact us on 0115 746 9555. We know this can be a distressing and complicated issue and we’re here to help.
When you leave
When you end your tenancy and move out, we expect you to leave the property in good condition. This will allow us to prepare the property for the next person to move in. Find out more about the condition we expect your property to be in when you leave.
It's important that we do everything we can to re-let empty properties as quickly as possible as we have a waiting list of people who want a home. Empty properties also attract vandals and anti-social behaviour.
You'll be expected to leave on a Sunday, and we usually ask for four weeks' notice in advance.
You must pay any money you owe us in full or come to an agreement with us. Any money you owe once you've left is called 'former tenant arrears'. Having former tenant arrears can affect your ability to get another tenancy, and may give you a bad credit rating.