Temporary pause in the advertising of Nottingham City Council homes

We currently have more than 230 families and individuals who do not have a home and are living in bed and breakfasts or hotels, paid for by Nottingham City Council at a cost of more than £500,000 a month.

We also have 492 families currently living in other forms of temporary accommodation, including family type hostels.

To help reduce this number and provide those who have been living in bed and breakfasts with a secure home as quickly as possible, we will be pausing the advertising of available council homes through Nottingham HomeLink. This is so that they can be offered directly to these residents who are in urgent housing need.

The pause will begin from the advert that will be published from midday on Friday 28 June.

You will still be able to bid on suitable available homes advertised by any of the other nine HomeLink Registered Providers (Housing Associations), as well as some selected council homes including any new build homes, in accordance with local lettings policies.

We're doing this to speed up the process of providing a home to those in the most urgent need for housing and to help reduce the financial strain this is currently placing on Nottingham City Council in an already challenging financial environment.

This only applies to those in Bed and Breakfast or temporary accommodation now (as at Friday 28 June), and not new households coming into temporary accommodation.

We hope to be able to restart the advertising of Nottingham City Council homes in the near future, and we'll let you know when that is.

Should you need to contact us about this, please don't call. Instead use the short contact us form.